Saturday, November 26, 2011

5 Sentence Fiction: Sacrifice

I'm joining 5 Sentence Fiction with Lillie McFerrin Writes today.

What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week I will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the inspiration word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just take your inspiration from that word. 

This week’s inspiration word is: SACRIFICE

In the winter of 1912, Amy Beechey stood in widow's black by the side of her husband's grave.  

Alone, with 14 children to raise, sacrifices would have to be made but the family pulled together and with the help of the older children, Amy struggled on.  

Stoic in her sadness, Amy did not know that greater grief was yet to come.  

Less than five years later, five of her kind and handsome sons; Barnard, Frank, Charles, Harold and Leonard would be killed in the war and another, Christopher, maimed for life.  

After the war, swallowed up in a nation deep in mourning for it's lost generation, Amy Beechey was finally presented to the King and Queen and thanked for her immense sacrifice; at that moment she who had paid the ultimate price looked the Queen in the face and replied, ‘It was no sacrifice, Ma’am, for I did not give them willingly.’

NB: The full story of the Beechey family can be found here.


  1. Wow. This was moving and heartbreaking. Beautifully written, with poise and respect. The last sentence is perfection!

  2. Oh wow, goosebumps! I love how she turned the idea of a sacrifice on it's head! Really well written!

  3. oh yes, so true.
    I love how you've used the prompt to link us to a bigger story


Thanks for commenting, I appreciate you taking the time xxx

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